We will remember our independence

Yang Yu
2 min readJul 5, 2016


It was Independence Day. How lucky we are. The privilege of peace and freedom. Look at how much we’ve grown, tolerating others’ differences: Slavery, sexist, racists, LGBTs. In their struggles, we saw our own struggles. In their differences, we saw our own differences. In their love, we saw our own love. It wasn’t easy. It took generations, bloodshed, leadership, and faith in our core values as human beings. Some say “make America great again”. When have we ever stopped? It isn’t about doing the easy things, it’s about doing the right things. Deep down, we know that’s true, and what makes life beautiful. But we are afraid…

That monsters are real, and they are out there. Else where in the world. Why did those innocent people die the night before, and the week before, and the week before? It’s numbing. Decent human beings vanished for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Yet, no child is ever born a monster. Each one of us has the potential to be one, had we been born in the wrong place at the wrong time. As tolerance grows in most people, so do the opposite in some. Extremists, terrorists, we call them, as if it’s a sophisticated profession. But they are too afraid, to lose power, old traditions. To what end?

Fear is a powerful thing. It is what moves all of us. But we can either let it move us backward, or move us forward. As a society, and a individual.

To the monsters that challenge our peace and freedom: Do not mistaken kindness for weakness. In time, we will look back at the set of events that happened in this century and remember. Not of terror, but the celebration of how far we’ve come. Our independence.

